Wilson Dems Headquarters Wish List
Below are some of the items we would like to have to make our new headquarters functional and comfortable. If you would like to donate any of these items, please call us to let us know which items you would like to donate and drop them off our our new location: 1502A Nash St. N, Wilson 27893
Recurring Needs Going Forward:
Copy Paper
2 lightweight 6 ft. folding tables
1 Power Strip/surge protector
Small tube of Neosporin
Microwave splatter guard
Folding step stool
6-7 ft. Step Ladder
Books for the Lending Library (young adult and adult needed most)
HQ Furniture and Supply Needs:
Air freshener of any kind for restrooms
Paper towels, hand soap dispenser refills
Toilet paper and toilet bowl cleaner
Paperclips, rubber bands, second regular size stapler, scotch tape for in a tape dispenser, pens, glue
Copy paper
3-5 gallons of water for water cooler
8 gallon (medium) and 13 gallon (tall kitchen) trash bags
16 x 20 x 1 filters for AC/heating system
Snacks to have on hand for those staffing front desk
For Decoration – old winning Democratic campaign rally signs and mementoes from members and from elected officials and their campaigns
For Lending Library – books by or about good Democrats or on issues important to Democrats
Please bring items to HQ during office hours or contact Mary (maryml@myglnc.com) to arrange arrange a drop off time.